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SmartSlide for the AquarIUM in Schwedt
SmartSlide with lots of Lighteffects, with a length of more then…

New Waterslides for Havel Therme in Werder
Just waiting for the guests. The new waterslides in the Havel…

New Children’s pool at Ganderkesee
The new outdoor pool is opened in Ganderkesee. AQUARENA supplies the children's pool made of GRP.

Body²Racer at Center Parcs Eemhof
In spite of the corona pandemie the new Body²Racer got ready and opened at Center Parcs.

New SmartSlide is beeing created for Schwedt
The next SmartSlide is being created in Germany! Interactive, the slide can be configured from home.

Online-Petition der EWA zur Wiedereröffnung der Bäder
Durch die Corona-Krise sind (private) Badbetreiber in Not. Unterstützen Sie die Online-Petition der EWA.

DÜB Leisure pool gets a new slide
Duelmen is ready for fun. With its new waterslide, suspension bridge and Johnny´s hut, in wood optic.

Rulantica – the story in the EAP 02/2020
Rulantica – A water theme parc made by AQUARENA was opened on November 2019 after 26 months of construction.

Aquapark Kladno is expanding
Two new, insulated slides expand the slide fun in Kladno. They are heat and sound insulated.

Aquapark Kladno in Tschechien rüstet auf
Auf ins neue Rutschvergnügen! Zwei neue, isolierte Rutschen, erweitern den Rutschenspaß im Aquapark Kladno.